1. To use the term Universe and then say it had a beginning is not worthy a good scientist. We only have data about the formation of matter. We do not have any data, not a shred, about the beginning of time, space or energy. To ask the question about the beginning of the universe is a religious question, and you should be ashamed of yourself asking it (and then providing the incorrect Big Bang model instead of the correct Big Bang model).
2. No interest in this question.
3. There is no matter anti-matter symmetry. When waves beach, do they have more plus waves than minus waves? Of course, because the undertow of the beach removes the minus waves from our view. Anti-matter is not present in the same numbers as regular matter. You do know we are really on a trip through space, right? Matter is on the move, and it moves in one direction, generally speaking.
4. Yes there is the aether. Obviously, otherwise we would not have matter. Matter cannot be 100% the outcome because the universe would have returned to its original state then in a jiffy.
5. See 4 and 3.