A bull thinks a red flag is worth attacking. It looks like your red flag is called capitalism. You probably have good reasons to dislike capitalism, particularly if you live in a nation with cowboy capitalism.
There are nations with capitalism that are grosso modo good. I'm looking at the Scandinavian countries, for instance.
The difference between UK/US and the Scandinavian countries is that the voters are in control in Sweden and Denmark, while the voters in UK and US are competing with voters to even get represented. That means democracy in the US and UK is elitist because only the winning winners make the decisions, while the losing winners have to let that happen while in the room. Meanwhile, the losing losers are not even in the room. I crunched the numbers for the sitting US Senate of 2006 and discovered that 40% of the voters did not receive representation because they lost in the race.
Such a system leads to cowboy capitalism because the elite makes the decisions.
What makes it worse in the US is that many decisions end up not being made. House and Senate are not capable of organizing all the things that are being organized in Sweden and Denmark.
Voting rights are the final fight in US history before the ideals of We The People can materialize.