A fun read, Lannie, and you may be right about Amy Klobuchar becoming the first female US president. She has the qualifications.
What the world needs now is better democracies, not lefties going fascist. The lefties are the reason we are still in prison, politically, with good cop/bad cop.
The Founding Fathers never envisioned a two-party system because they did not establish a two-party system. The States created the two-party system.
Here's how:
The Founding Fathers put a restricted voting system in place for the federal level. Very smart, because a large nation torn into twenty political directions will not remain a large nation for very long.
But they also put a warning on governments not to deny or disparage the rights retained by the people (Ninth Amendment). We The People. The Founding Fathers empowered the People, unique in the world.
And that is how we lost our republic.
The States put the same restricted voting system in place for State elections while there was no good geopolitical reason to do so.
The People?
They did nothing. They let the States waltz right over themselves, and insult to injury the State then demanded restriction in place for local elections as well.
No escape. The Two Parties were secured and that is why there is no Yellow in our nation. It's Red and it's Blue, even when the Red Party is now a bit Orangey.
That means we can get our republic back, because it is already the law. All we need is making our local and State governments do what they should have done all along.
As long as lefties embrace good cop, we will remain in jail. Even when we turn good cop into bad cop, we will remain in jail.
Interested in changing the setup to the original plan?
Come join the Local Revolutions grassroots organization.
'Citizens Invoking the US Constitution'