A good article, and I would like to invite you to have a look at the Big Whisper theory. It is a falsifiable theory, Rory, and it involves one step prior to where the Big Bang theory begins.
It has a different model prior to the CMBR, but it is the same afterward. Where the pre-CMBR Lambda-CDM Big Bang model is based on facts discovered in a laboratory (Large Hadron Collider), the Big Whisper is based on structural thought. The Large Hadron Collider data is all correct, but it does not tell us anything about how matter came about.
The idea is the same as a couple of six year olds investigating babies and then telling us how babies are made. Those stories will be cute, but they will not be accurate.
Babies do not tell us how babies are made.
Matter does not tell us how matter is made.
The falsifiable part of the Big Whisper theory is that it proposes an inward motion at the end of the prior state. Indeed, it predicts the outbound motion of matter after the materialization process got started up.
Note how this is indeed not about matter but about behavior. The inward behavior predicts the outbound behavior.
Let's turn the total amount of energy in the universe into a number. Let's declare that total to be 1.
We know that energy does not get lost, and while some yo-yos want to know where it then came from, most people recognize that when energy does not get lost that one then also not need to ask where it came from. One can start out with energy already being present. What is more, we also know that matter is a result. There are no people I have met that deny this.
So we have 1 + x = 1 to not only get rid of energy altogether as a conundrum, but we can fully focus on that x because that is where the answers lie (about matter being around).
The x represents the transformation of original energy into matter. We do not know how much original energy got transformed into matter of that total of original energy. But we know that the 1 prior and the 1 after capture the total amount of energy nevertheless. In the first case, it is just energy (which does not exist in materialized format we can see). In the latter case, energy is both invisible and materialized. Still the same total of 1 either way.
Naturally, the x is 0. Many tend to lose sight here and have no idea that 0 comes in more than one format. Allow me to elaborate.
For example, '010' shows us two 0s that are not one and the same. Take the first 0 out and nothing changes to the remaining number. Yet take the second 0 out and the number changes dramatically.
For our x, we also need that dramatic 0. It has to be a fundamental 0 that took place between the prior state and the current state. This fundamental 0 made materialization possible. We are looking at a fundamental separation.
That 0 is not found for the first time on this side, but rather at the end of the prior state. That 0 heralded the end of the prior state of the universe. Had the prior state not been capable of producing that fundamental zero, then nothing would have materialized.
So, how can a fundamental nothing get created?
By that same inward behavior.
If the inward behavior does not stop by itself, then it will get stopped by heading straight into an accident with... itself.
Prior energy ended up getting damaged by prior energy in this inward motion. Interestingly, this would NOT have happened in the center, because inward motions tend to not break down in the center but just a bit removed from that center.
In an analogy, wind up a toy until it breaks and investigate where it broke. It did not break in the center. Rather, the winding mechanism broke somewhat removed from the center. Complete tension kept that center intact, but right at the very first spot where complete tension was not fully complete anymore, that is where the mechanism broke. Same for the damage in the inward motion at the end of the prior state of the universe.
Then, when the inward motion reverted (catapulted outwardly), it only took until the spot where there was space to move about for that damaged energy to realign itself into neutrons and protons (on their way out).
So, no super-hot conditions at the beginning of the materialization process. The damaged energy would have released some heat, but nothing super-hot. But indeed, very high tensions to then ‘start out’ with that warped energy into damaged energy (which are then quarks found in what is best described as a quark soup) that at first opportunity when space became available aligned into neutrons and protons.
I have had others look at this and they said it does not violate any laws; it contains a falsifiable spot that exists one position in front of the materialization process; and space as the only infinite reality in our universe (everything else is finite) pointing to separation being the actual starting point why we ended up with matter.
Will you do me the honor, Rory?
I don't mind if you break it down and pulverize this theory. But I will be upset if you use Big Bang reasoning or Large Hadron Collider information to undermine it (because that would mean you did not grasp what the Big Whisper presents). If you find flaws in the structure, I would be the first to say thank you. Minor ones are absolutely welcome to improve the theory; big ones would send it to the garbage bin.
Here one article, to show you that I think in different structures and find a lot of inspiration in doing that.