A good article, but I am noticing how you like to write about large issues without talking about our system of empowerment, our voting system. As long as we are not treated as equals in the voting booth and the subsequent results, then minorities of all kinds will not be equals in their natural numbers in society.
At this point, the only equality we have is our right to participate (that is, if we ignore various reasons why adults are not allowed to participate such as being in jail). Participation itself does not guarantee an honest outcome. In our case, in the US and UK, the game is lopsided. All voters vote, but only the majority ends up appointing who sits in the seat. That means that the minority of voters goes home empty-handed, is not represented at all.
Please, describe the voting system in place as a major roadblock for equality. You owe each and every person you write about, being suppressed for one reason or another, your honest attention. Our voting system is the most important empowerment instrument in the nation. It cannot be put in a spot of 'oops, I forgot about that'. It is fundamental.
Other than that -- please continue writing your good articles.