3 min readJan 24, 2022


A good challenge and not a problem for me. The problem appears to be your reading the information, Bkuehlhorn.

When I write '010', you should be able to follow that I am pointing to the dual character of 0. Zero is not a single number with a single meaning.

Take the first 0 out of '010' and the total number remains the same. Take the second 0 our of '010' and the total number changes dramatically.

I am not certain your mind is malleable enough to see it. There are two natural functions associated with 0.

I communicated with the best of scientists and they could not see what I was saying; they were blind to it because they close one eye to review things scientifically. They can't see with two eyes open. They make 0 one and the same at all times.

So, when we have two versions of zero and we apply it to the biggest question of them all: How did the universe come to be the way it is? then we should get two different options to gnaw on depending on which zero we pick.

If we pick zero as not changing anything, then we get the Big Bang model. Prior to the CMBR, we can envision how all came from some central area in which we can kind of think all was 1.

In the Big Whisper model, the reason matter came about is because a 0 occurred that established a fundamental separation among it all.

If I am going to guess your response, then you are not seeing what I am saying here. You can't see the difference between both zeros in 010. Your brain wants one model and one model only, and you limit your brain to one model only. I cannot open that second eye for you, even when I have mathematical information that zero is always there.

So, Rubin's Vase is my quick route to explain how the models differ.

The unifying aspect of the Vase is obvious. There is just the Vase and the Vase is one, united.

The unifying aspect of the Two Faces is harder to see, because each Face is unified with itself and together they are unified around an empty center. Their communalities exist at a higher level but not in the middle. So, they unite at two different levels. How they unite is distinct on each level.

When we unite a male, an older person, a younger person, and a female all into one, we cannot do it and have a single person contain all aspects. We must make use of the word 'person' which is one-removed from the actual information. There is no option to declare all in one and have all information expressed accurately as well.

God is not a Cyclops.

I am not sure you get it, Bkuehlhorn. You desire scientific answers and when I give it to you you do not recognize them as scientific because your brain is set to see one version and not the other.

This is what I am saying:

The Big Bang is the one to the left, the Big Whisper is the one to the right.

If you want details? Fine. But don’t undermine them with words. Use your brain to get it. You seem unable to see the opposite direction in 2D thinking.




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