A short but excellent article, Dr. Rich.
God as the Unmoved Mover appears a contradiction in terms for me. For this to be true, we must be in fantasy land, so it cannot be true.
If we start the biggest story of all with God, then we have to make God real. We owe that to ourselves.
So, God willing creation in place is a fallacy, a lazy mind not getting up from its kneeling position in front of God, not looking therefore.
One cannot do a double placement at the largest of levels.
It is fine to start with God, but then one must have God do actual things. Willing is not an actual thing. Willing is opening up a cartoon book and see Superman fly. The cartoon book is real, the contents is not. We cannot have two items to accept in a row. With God, we accepted the setup. No normal adult should accept a second aspect to accept and still expecting to have one's feet on the planet.
For God to have created creation God had to use something real. The only reality laying around was God godself. That means that the only way for God to have created creation was through using parts of God godself.
The quantum reality tells us as much. No quark can exist by itself, so we know that the conditions were extreme. Quarks are the foundation of matter, and there is no workaround this. For a fact, the quantum reality was not 'willed' into place.
Once the extreme situation returned to normal conditions, the quarks could not return to their original selves. They had to combine forces to become neutrons and protons to establish a condition that was normal enough for them.
Neutrons are neutral. Protons have a positive charge, so we actually ended up with a non-damaged particle entering the outcome as well: Electrons. Their negativity caused the universe to remain a neutrally charged place, exactly as desired.
God particle?
There are therefore two options to declare god particles within science.
The neutron is neutral and can be declared, in its deformed state, a representation of God's pure energy.
The electron is charged but since it is not damaged it can be declared the insertion of God into the material realm.
Thanks for your article. Short, but fun to read.