A sign of class war indeed, but I would dig a little deeper still. It is also a sign of desperation. Unless educated, your kids have an excellent chance to fall into the category with fewer chances. This is not about each and every individual (I am glad you're doing well yourself), but about the overall chances.
We are all in the same boat, but the boat is slanted and when not actively climbing then the chance of drifting lower is increased.
That slanted boat also means that people are stepping on top of each other, just to get to the higher parts of the boat. We are doing a disservice to ourselves, and mass shootings, mass incarceration and not so great mass transportation are all indicators that we are not actively trying to change society for the better: most of us are treading along (or treading water).
So, thank you for your article and insights. This is important work. Maybe you will help out make this a better nation - I hope so.