A very nice discourse, Naim, you did a good job.
We can also use Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems, and recognize that there is always a choice which system to use. No system is ever the best in light of all possible considerations.
With humans placing the Earth in the center, we made our own material position the most important position in the universe.
With humans placing the Sun in the center, we recognize a specific but different order.
It makes sense that we pick the larger of the 'objects' or that we pick the one in the center, but ultimately we are dealing with choices here, even from a scientific perspective.
That means there is an additional surprising scientific answer that you did not pronounce in your otherwise excellent article.
Before talking about Occam's Razor, let's look at the scientific truth from a third perspective about the physical reality we find ourselves in.
We can find four physical motions we have no control over ourselves:
* 1/ Earth's spin (and gravity)
* 2/ Earth's rotation within the Solar System (a motion that involves gravity)
* 3/ Earth as part of the Solar System's dance in the circular motion of the Milky Way (a motion that involves gravity)
* 4/ Earth as part of the Milky Way speeding away in a singular direction (away from where it all started)
The fourth motion is not based on gravity, but rather on the catapulting force of the materialization process.
Therefore, we find the actual highest scientific truth, which is that the fastest speed we are involved in is that of #4. Behavior-wise, the other three motions are of a relatively minor stature.
Not Earth, nor the Sun, or even the center of the Milky Way is the mother of all motions. Rather, it is the Fourth Motion that wins this hands down.
What this mental exercise shows us is that Occam's Razor is a fallacy of the mind, no matter its beauty.
It is the mind that wants to have a first, a best, a simplest, a king.
And Occam's Razor is exemplary because it is an instrument of making a decision that puts one in front, and the rest behind.
The human mind is therefore at fault, making us think that there is an ultimate position.
So, there are three systems: Earth in the center, Sun in the center, and the Fourth Motion (we can add the Milky Way in here, too, but we can leave that out just as well). None of these systems are identical, and as you point out, benefits can be had.
The insult I will lob (while congratulating you on a well executed article, you did real well) is that physicists are monistic in their minds, even after the Enlightenment showed us we should not be doing that. We should find the truth; we should not find a king.
In philosophy, we say that there is no knowable truth unless the context is declared.
True blue is therefore not knowable unless we declare the circumstances. In the paint store, we find a different kind of blue than on the couch with the shrink. Without the context, we have no knowledge about what is meant with blue, though we will have strong clues what is meant. With the placement of a word in a sentence, we often end up getting enough information about the context to understand what is meant with a word, such as blue.
To make this more scientific, the binary system can declare everything numerically that the decimal system can declare as well. Yet we cannot pick one system above the other; it is illogical. Meanwhile, we have to recognize that each numerical system is different. There are many 1s in the binary system, while there is just 1 in the decimal system. The idea of Unity, which is easily expressed with 1 in the decimal system, cannot be expressed with a single number in the binary system.
In plain English, to provide a simple example once more, no one should (ever) pick whether a male is better than a female. It is dumb to make that choice (but on a personal level, we make these decisions who we like and who we dislike all of the time of course).
The mistake is therefore desiring to have a single-best position, and the fine point is that this can never be a scientific outcome. You provide that information real well. Congratulations on this article.
Only when we must pick one, then Occam's Razor helps us well. Any other time, because we are dealing with a plethora of data and information, picking just one will make us scientifically one-eye blind. We have to overcome the human mind and be true scientists.
'The Fourth Motion'