2 min readSep 6, 2020


A warm story, Herb, thank you for sharing and glad you wanted to communicate in our own space.

My communications are first and foremost from a structural perspective. I actually keep myself out of the picture, while I must of course be the one doing the talking and the walking. Perhaps like you, I keep the inner space for myself (no one else’ business, right?).

When I saw the big picture in 1981, I was actually disappointed. I had expected something bigger and better, and I am mentioning this to you in light of young people (particularly boys) having to spent their energy in a direction where they basically bump into the consequences of their own choices. We have to walk in the wrong direction before we can see the right direction (and sometimes we never see it or, we like the wrong direction). Seeing the big picture was disappointing because basically everything that needed to be discovered had already been discovered (I’d say by the 1930s, though the 1960s are important, too). I fell of my chair when scientists started asking the question how all fit in with all in the mid 80s, because I thought they knew already.

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Overall, I think the humble position is always a good position, but not like in anarchy when all positive things coming forth out of individuals can get used up by some following the negative options and absorbing that what is good. I do believe in organization, but that we need to be careful with how we organize ourselves.

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I can talk about any structure: religion, finance, atheism, science, numbers, philosophy, language and I have to admit to you right away that if you ask for my opinion on something, I will most certainly have an opinion. : -)

I can envision the universe without a God. But this would then be like the binary system in which there never is a single 1. There are many 1s in that system and we ourselves are each a 1 in that system as well. There is no real beginning or ending to the binary system; it just is.

Nobody likes to be a zero, and if we organize ourselves in manners where we do not push people into locations where they may end up considering themselves worthless, then we have made progress.

I hope this finds you well. I am looking forward to your reply.




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