4 min readMay 30, 2024


Again, a good comment to think about, Wayne. Let's dig in a little more.

The (extreme) low pressure of a hurricane is important to recognize because there is no counter high pressure; it does not exist. Normal highs and lows (28.5–30.7 inHg) are found in more or less balanced manners across the planet. Yet the hurricane goes to an extreme low depression (26.6 inHG). Notice how there are no highs of, for instance, 32.6 inHG on the planet. Clearly, the circumstances of a force can establish a very deep depression, extreme compared to the normal situation. That is good to know as support for the gravitational depression as proposed in the Black Eye model.

That said, with the hurricane on this planet we do have the pancake reality of air that is situated just at the surface of the planet. This circumstance will force the appearance of a 'tunnel', so to speak, for the extreme depression. There is no opportunity for that force to establish a spherical outcome, because it is all guided within one layer of air.

For a galaxy, there is not really a pancake reality; it is truly far from being anything flat. Star masses are found along a very wide bandwidth, so their gravitational attraction played out on the center will not be based on just a flat reality. There is also nothing holding back the formation of the gravitational depression. These masses are all hanging out in space, and space is not something that will restrict the outcome.

Allow me to discuss an imagined situation here to make a point later on. The 'normal' setting, if we imagine there to be just gravity for all these masses in a galaxy, would be to have all these masses be pulled gravitationally toward the center -- this pulling would then result in all masses becoming a single mass. The point to make with this imagined visual is that it is the circular motion of all masses in the galaxy that are pulling the outcome toward the more flattened situation of all these masses. We have the distribution of matter in a galaxy that is flatter instead of being all-round because of the circular motion. The inward pull is countered by the outward pull.

That means we can separate the gravitational force from the material setting, because the material setting is also spinning collectively and that spinning reality has nothing to do with gravity. It is the counter to gravity.

That means we can take a look at a mass that is truly far removed from anywhere near the central layer of a galaxy. That is then a mass that is placed in a perpendicular outlier location compared to the galactic distribution of matter. The entire set of masses in a galaxy will then exert its collective pull on that single mass, pulling it toward the center.

I hope you see that. Now, let's move closer to the Black Eye itself. Remember that the net-zero gravitational reality is found just in the center, while right around it all gravitational hell breaks loose.

That means that a mass situated at an extreme spot (for instance, near where the spouts come out but then away from the galactic disk) would receive a very strong pull from the entire galaxy. All masses on the other side of the galactic disk would pull on that single mass, toward the center. That force is then enormous, Wayne.

Particularly near the spout areas away from the galactic disk, the pull toward the center is not countered by any other nearby masses in the location of the single mass because there are none (or fewer than elsewhere in the galaxy). That single mass has therefore less counter pull than most masses, and more of the entire galaxy pulling on it.

This indicates a tendency toward a spherical outcome for the Eye.


With the spouts we do know there is something special going on, so in a way we do have the confirmation that the spherical shape does have two escapes. We know that already.

Notice how I have not worked out the output via the spouts in all details yet. I am just looking at the spouts as results from the internal processes inside the Black Eye plus the fact that there are net-zero spots indeed in that (near-perfect) spherical setting. I am certain that observing more details will provide more understanding about what goes on inside the Wall of Motion.

Yet it is because of the size of the spout escapes (narrow escapes) that we find evidence for the spherical shape exactly because the output via the spouts is so specific. Only an extremely small area is available for escape of anything that happened inside the Wall of Motion.

I do like your comment, Wayne, because there may be differences to find other than what the spouts are showing us already. Yet I am not sure it would sway anyone away or towards one model or the other. Said differently, if differences are found, then this could confirm the Black Eye and when no differences are found this would not undermine the Black Eye.

What do you think?




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