All systems were forged, Dave, and it is from the battles that they (and we) arose. But it is not just battles of the field, they are battles of the mind as well. Human history is loaded with all kinds of human battles, some of them super refined.
When I arrived in the United States, I was not familiar with societal stresses this deep. This nation experiences a continuous social battle, partly controlled by the believe that the people themselves are in control via these winner-take-all elections. It took me a long time to adjust and I have been surprised how difficult it was to communicate to others that this society has roots that do not benefit all of society. We focus on the success (of which there are many), but we ignore what is rotten. It is a battle, and I hope you are awake.
I would say Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond is a must read for anyone interested how the world as we know it derived.
But let me also mention this famous quote by Paulo Freire: “The oppressed, instead of striving for liberation, tend themselves to become oppressors.” Meaning, we need to be wise when we change systems, because just a change of the guards would be foolish and does not amount to actual change.
Another quote of Freire that fits the idea that systems are forged:
“Liberation is thus a childbirth, and a painful one.”
With every new freedom, there will be battles. For every step of progress, there will be a battle.
I do not write to write; I write to battle. I want this to be a better world and I believe the way humans control it right now can be improved. The political systems in many places in the world still contain too many crude elements, quickly abused and exploited by the well-connected. The refinement is that the systems can also not be too refined, because they will then be abused by the vile during crises.
For the United States, I sincerely desire proportional voting at the local level (where it is extremely safe to do so and will be an enlightening experience) and a three to six party system at the state level. As with the outcomes for the Senate in Australia promoting diverse political outcomes in the House of Representatives as well, I hope that political freedom will flow from these lower levels to the Federal level, even when that level remains unchanged.
Canada is the close-by example of political diversity delivering the better society. Imagine Canada when its large neighbor to the south becomes a warmer society; it would make Canada better, too.
Always a pleasure, Dave.