Americans are no strangers to lying. We don't call it lying; we call it something else. We have so much spin in our system, it can make Yin and Yang spin into one gray mass.
Yes, it was extreme with Trump; it still is. But the beauty of Trump is that he gave us a good look into that mirror of lies. He is the master of lies, but show me one politician that doesn't master spin and I'll buy you lunch for a week.
Let's admit it to ourselves: We tell ourselves lies.
This is not a democracy. This is just a two-party system. We can be happy that we are not a dictatorship, but Red-and-Blue does not substitute well for having political freedom. Any yellow problems and Red will tell you they are orange problems and Blue will tell you they are green problems. They cannot tell the truth. But the worse part is that we cannot make them tell the truth.
We need that USA 2.0 upgrade, and we've been in need for it a real long time. This 18th century voting system doesn't do it. It keeps our politicians our very own spinning tops. They are not here with us.
Did you know that the truth is that the winner in our system has always been the Losing Party?
Like it or not, but it is true. That's the amount of power our politicians do not need to care about us and spend their days and nights instead lying in bed with sponsors and third-interesting parties.
We need a democracy that works for us, and it is actually easy, particularly at the local level (where there is often just a single party in full control of all seats all across the nation).
We can vote for those candidates only that promise voting reform. Proportional voting at the local level is the pure form that cuts away the lying and the spinning (but does look for compromise). Our cities and counties are also the safe way to learn about this modern form of democracy (Jefferson did already suggest it). We shouldn't want twenty little parties for our nation, but most city councils don't even have that many seats. It's safe at the local level. Vote for candidates that want to put it in place. Stop the lying, then we can stop the bitching.