Balloney, the world is struggling indeed to make the right decisions, and the bad guys are often winning -- but not everywhere.
We need to learn that concepts are not the truth, so let's stop using concepts as if they are the truth.
Democracy, for instance, is a concept, and when we talk about democracy as if democracy is the same everywhere, then we are propagating a lie.
Simply put, winner-take-all is nothing like full representation.
One is horrible and mean, puts a lot of pressure on people inside the winner-take-all nation and exports a lot of pressure on the rest of the world. Sure, the winners are happy about it.
Meanwhile, full representation is far more gentler on people and the world. The government tries to do what the people want.
It is when these two very different kinds of democracy are engaged in a single reality, and the democracies themselves not knowing their adversaries, it is then that we get the very bad outcomes.
Winner-take-all is competition for the sake of competition. This is the bad kind because there is no base-line, no real foundation, no standards.
Full representation has equality at heart. We may not all be identical, but before the law we are each other's equals. If only the world embraced the better format of democracy (in careful and good ways), then we would be all in much better shapes.
So, be careful what you say,, because you are abusing words to the point your words are not truthful any longer. Simply, because you are holding concepts out there like red flags in front of bulls. Fun to watch, but not for the bulls.