Capitalism is a system based on financial anarchy. Naturally, one must obtain finances before being able to partake in the fruits of capitalism, so the system is based on an inherent inequality.
Next, the mechanisms that are in place are first of all based on the financial incentives, and the counter mechanisms are found with those serving the financial goals (of self or others) and with the controlling mechanisms of government and public opinion.
Capitalism is not a system with a central tenet, but rather one with the lack of a central tenet. As such, it is not the opposite of communism, but rather distinct from any form with a central tenet.
The weaker a government (in light of regulation), the more capitalism is engaged into a race to the bottom, and establishes subsequent winners that are then the new (financial) dictators.
The United States has a very weak democracy in light of capitalism and the term cowboy capitalism is more appropriate. Most people in the United States equate cowboy capitalism with capitalism; they think they are one and the same.
Scandinavian countries, but also Germany are examples where capitalism is controlled better and more successful. But Italy is a nation where that is not the case. While Italy has the best form of democracy (proportional voting), they also doubled the power of the two Houses, each capable of making a government fall. No other nation does that. As such, the Italian voter is weaker than say a German voter.
Voters in the USA are also very weak. Not only do they vote for Presidency, Senate and House (the more things change, the more they stay the same), but voters also compete with other voters for the win. Voters do not get their own representatives, but they get the one that the collective decided. As such, US individualism is not part of the US voting system; it is more a communist form of democracy; limited, restricted. The two parties are in full control, and yet they are often unable to make decisions, which benefits industries.
The Supreme Court decisions make clear that Congress is not very effective. Many decisions cannot be made by Congress.
When a nation has an ineffective democracy, then capitalism can grow more extreme. This in turn can attract more foreign investments because money is then placed more centrally than people, and this benefits investors. Such an economic setup can feed on itself and we do see that many Statelings are very impoverished, while foreign investors benefit.
The international standard for poverty is 50% of the median income. The EU sets that standard at 60% of the median income, to capture more people (otherwise there would not be many people living in poverty in the EU at all).
The US definition of poverty was self-created in the 1960s, but translated into a percentage of the median income today, it falls just below 40% of the median income. That lower standard of the US makes it harder to be counted as living in poverty in the US.
If the US were to use the EU standard for poverty, then one in three Statelings would be counted as living in poverty. That would create an enormous backlash, and this shows that spin wins in the US two-party system. US Democracy is spin, spin, spin until you win. Same with words. Divide people over words so you can win.
Cowboy capitalism, USA. Not to be confused with capitalism. The real issue is that US voters are weak. As always in anarchy; it can make people good people, and it can make the biggest assholes end up being the real winners.