Correct, Alexander.
That's why we are moving toward invoking the cities because that is where the Constitution grants us powers.
The Cities are not mentioned in the US Constitution at all, and so the People, while not declared what specific powers they have, stand one level above the cities who are not given any powers, not even unspecified powers.
Cities are naturally entities created by the State, but they are not entities solely of the State. Cities received to some extent independent powers of their own, which means legally that they are intruding into the area of powers given to the People in the highest document of the nation.
As such, a single individual can say, standing above the city in this respect: "Hey, you have to follow the US Constitution and right now you are not." As long as no one said anything, all was fine. But speaking up is the first action that makes cities aware they have to clean up their act.
The US Constitution is actually a fascinating document because of the issue the Founding Fathers were faced with. So we have an articulated document with on the one hand separate-but-equal built in for the State/Federal level, and prohibited (as declared in various rulings) at the local level.
We can get that change put in place therefore at the local level, legally, today, and once folks see that a full-color democracy is much better than a red-and-blue democracy, then they may want more of it elsewhere. Right now, everyone and their mother are sitting on their hands, not knowing what to do.
If we can move the lower level, then it will be like the ice sheet in Antarctica that is crumbling but holding everything else in place. Changing the lower level will establish movement at the other levels. It will be a long story, but we can become a full-color democracy if we take the first steps at the local level.
Join if you want change, Alexander. It's actually quite easy to take the first step (and this is not about asking anyone for money, ever -- except asking recompense of the cities themselves if they don't give us what is rightfully ours within a reasonable amount of time).