Did you know that voting in districts leaves the voters with just half the power that voters have in Proportional Voting? Any person thinking for themselves would not want to be caged in district voting. They would want their full power, right?
It is very surprising how even liberals never crawled out of the demeaning egg of the two-party system. We can see on the right side how people embrace freedom with all they can muster (they are aware that government here is somehow not right), and we see how on the left the smarter folks wanting to get the better version of government (and only getting it after an incredible crises, such as with Roosevelt). Yet no one is putting 1 + 1 together and then seeing that 2 is the reason for the combined problems experienced on the right and on the left? That is so hard to believe.
It is very hard to believe that no one said we have to get rid of this demeaning voting system. I cannot grasp this. So many smart people, all sitting on their hands when a blind person can see how many travesties the two-party system establishes. This system truly hurts people.
Here is the good news, because the Founding Fathers gave us a gift:
They handed out constitutional powers to the Federal government, the States respectively, and to the People, only!
They handed nothing to cities and counties.
That means that Cities and Counties must comply with the Bill of Rights 100%.
That means that Cities and Counties cannot segregate people in districts and then declare all of them each other's equals. That is not allowed.
As we all know, separate-but-equal has been declared an unconstitutional format for local governments. Yet they are still using it.
Voters have started to Invoke the US Constitution to their city government, basically putting them on notice. Cities must stop voting in districts, It is the law.
We can crawl out of that god-forsaken mean egg of district voting and become more free.
This is not available for State and Federal elections, so this is not a fix-all. Yet at least we get to taste the fruits of real political freedom at the local level. We never had that.
Write your city, or have us Invoke your city for you. See if your city is on the list already:
The Founding Fathers are with us!