During Our Creation, We Got Ejected

5 min readJan 16, 2023
Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

Considering the origin, we are special in that we can consider the origin, agree?

But… who are we, really?

There cannot be a result unless there is an origin for that result. So, let’s paraphrase the question and make it better:

  • Who were we?

For sure, we are made of energy, so we can say that at one point we were just that, energy.

To understand what happened next, we have to consider what happens when a wind-up toy gets wound up too much so the mechanism breaks. Humor me!

The toy before and the toy after actually do not differ in their material reality. The same material before is found after. Some of the toy transformed, but nothing extra got created. Nothing material disappeared from the toy.

  • Except… the special trick. It is gone!

Creation is a disappearance of some kind.

Let’s go to the specific level, and discuss how male sperm decides if an egg becomes a boy or a girl. It appears as if the male decides, but does so rather evenly. Still, the female egg may actually be the one deciding which sperm can enter the warm home, nothing-else-withstanding. And yet, we see that near-even outcome of girls and boys no matter who we…

