2 min readAug 11, 2022


Energy does not get lost, so energy is used again and again. Yet to declare this reincarnation is one step too far.

The Great Buddha suggested that after we die our energy falls apart until the parts can no longer fall apart any further. The energy that was used in a material sense falls back to its natural state.

To use that energy again, building a new life, there is no guarantee that all previous energy is from one and the same recycled source. It is far more logical to have the new life be built from any energy that can be captured by that life.


I once had a dream in which I found myself jaywalking and a car veered around the corner, driver mad at me, and then I woke up.

I remembered the dream when I stepped off the sidewalk to jaywalk to my bus stop. I decided to experiment and walk back to the sidewalk, and low and behold the same car and the same driver as in my dream veered around the corner. I would have been right in his path, had I not changed my mind.

What I am trying to show with this dream and subsequent reality is that I could not have dreamt what was going to happen in the future because what ended up happening was not what I dreamt.

Yet the dream told me about a situation and based on that information I changed my mind. Everything else turned out to be the same, except for my location.

That means that my mind was able to read a situation that was going to happen if everything would have stayed the same as would normally have been the case. It was early in the morning, there was hardly ever any traffic at all, and I would have jaywalked had it not been for the dream.

I hope you see the point that the data of reality was captured by my mind in the dream state. Naturally, the street and environment was identical to how it was, but I would have been able to describe the car and the face of the driver, while I was not that person. I had never seen this person before or since.

The brain is a fascinating tool. But the information the brain can conjure, for instance in a dream state, is not enough information to declare that the individual reincarnated. The information got reused and was legible by that individual as if they were that person themselves.

Energy does not get lost, and I like reading your article because it shows me that energy does indeed not get lost. If you want to call that reincarnation, then you have my blessing. But I wouldn't call it reincarnation; it's a reusing of energy and the chance there is a 1 on 1 transmission is likely very low. But some of the energy used may retain its prior reality for quite a while and can be read by the new owner of that energy until it has been made its own.




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