Evil is real, Scott, just like beauty is real. But they exist in the eye of the beholder.
Denying evil is as backwards as saying that beauty does not exist. No one in their right minds would open up to anyone denying beauty does not exist.
Evil is a focus, and this is where two people come into play because it takes two to tango; it takes two before one can declare the other a beauty.
The most beautiful woman, when all by herself on the entire planet, will not be a beautiful woman because there is no one to consider her a beautiful woman.
So, we have to look in the mirror and recognize that we are the source for considering the existence of beauty and the existence of evil.
Unfortunately, we go crazy for beauty and evil. We compete for what is of course not ourselves, but what is the other.
Don't deny evil, Scott. Because that may already be the root to all evil. Only when we see that our own envy, our own misfortune, and perhaps our society's slanted democracy for that matter, is to blame, only then can we neutralize beauty, neutralize evil, calm our own bones.
Winner-take-all is a slanted foundation. It is a rotten tree that needs to be cut down. Only an inclusive democracy makes a healthy society. Winner-take-all makes evil people. The great leveler of men is democracy, but not the evil version of democracy. That one infuriates us even more because the truth is wrapped in a warm lie.
No serial killers in the Netherlands (but murders are high for drug gangs, and murders do occur in the home situation). They have a democracy in which everyone is each other's equal in the voting booth (which we have, too) and everyone is each other's equal in the result (we don't have that at all). They have full representation; we have winners in all seats, bullies when they feel like it, evil when it benefits them; benevolent when it makes them look good. Our leaders are beautiful; our leaders are evil.
In the Netherlands, their leaders get to work on a bicycle.