2 min readJun 5, 2022


Excellent write-up, Daniel, and you may want to consider joining the Local Revolutions grassroots movement. We are a small group of interested people desiring real political reform. The route we picked is the legal route because today not all our elections are held according to the books.

First a reality check with your article. The US Constitution is a theoretical pathway that realistically speaking is not available for voting reform at the Federal level. Your article already shows why: there would not be any agreement on which version to change our Federal voting system into. The ensuing quagmire would shoot anything down. Dead on arrival.

Then the legal pathway that is available, because the US Constitution only declared how to hold elections for seats at the Federal level. We may even be happy about that because twenty little parties would have undermined this large nation a long time ago. We would have ended looking like Europe and probably with the same war-torn history to show for.

For the State level, however, the US Constitution is mute. That is the first great news. It does not say how elections should be held other than that the government cannot deny or disparage rights retained by the people.

As such, we should have Proportional Voting in place for our State elections and we would have if only the US Constitution had not also given wide-ranging freedoms to the States. In other words, there are so many legal loopholes, no judge will agree to reading the US Constitution in this singular kind of manner. Still, if the majority of voters in a State want Proportional Voting, then they shall have it. The US Constitution does not need to be changed for that. As wonderful side effect, this would likely mean the end of the pure two-party system at the Federal level as well.

Local Revolutions grassroots organization focuses on the local level. Here, the US Constitution is pure and clear: Proportional Voting must be put in place. No government (not city, not county, not State, not Federal government) can make Proportional Voting verboten at this local level. Not a single loophole is available. The People are entitled to the only known most-optimal voting system in the world: Proportional Voting. No government can disparage or deny this right of the People. And we are in the process of getting it.

Daniel, we have sent Constitutional Invocations to 120 cities and counties (and counting), demanding the implementation of Proportional Voting in their cities and counties. See if your Colorado City is one of them:

Come join us. We can use your help.




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