2 min readJan 14, 2024


Getting closer and closer, Benjamin. Good job.

Walk into a room, see a broken toy on the floor.

What two things can we conclude with certainty?

1. The entire toy is still there; it is just in tatters. Nothing of the toy disappeared.

2. The special trick the toy had been able to perform is gone forever.

That's all we need to know.

Where at first there was no Nothing for the toy (at least not an important Nothing), now the broken toy has a lot of Nothing, both in between the pieces and around.

Translation: Space is the fundamental Nothing in our existence.

Matter takes up space, but does not change the space. Space does not interfere with matter (this should not be confused with Spacetime, which is a framework predicting the behavior of matter, and says nothing about space itself).

Nothing is already present now, and Nothing is already all-important now. That is, it is all-important in the results. It shows that the original state of the universe is kaput, broken.

The parts are still in the room. We can still play with the toy in tatters. But we cannot have the toy perform its trick any more.


If we start out with Force and Energy, then in the original reality, there was a special trick available, an ability. Then, 13.8 billion years ago this led to the undermining of that Force and Energy.

Parts of that energy ended up becoming damaged (quarks, later forming the neutrons and the protons).

The Force was then gone, but it got expressed still in different manners:

* weak-nuclear force

* strong-nuclear force

* electromagnetic force

and their synergistic outcome (which as we know is then always distinct in behavior from the parts):

* gravitational force

We can also state that electrons are our closest view on original energy; it is not damaged, but pulled into the damaged environment.

Good job, Benjamin. Too many words in my opinion, and not yet the actual story itself, but you are getting closer and closer.


Added later:

If Space = Nothing, then the prior state of the universe broke.

The universe is then not-one.

If Space = Something, then we are scratching our heads forever.

The universe can then be seen as one, but we have no answers then either.




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