God, Can You Believe It?

4 min readOct 11, 2024

On how to distinguish the real from the false God.

Photo by photo nic on Unsplash

How is it possible for Superman to fly through the air?


He makes a fist and stretches out his arm.

That is how Superman flies through the sky.

How did God create creation?


God willed creation into being.

That is how God created creation.

Structurally, both examples discussed here are identical.

A result came forth from a specific action, and the action itself does not need to be explained any further because the result is all the proof we need to show that the explanation is true.

  • Superman and God can do things that are ordinarily not done.

We can make both Superman and God real by looking at the results. Though this is possible only if we did not investigate Superman or God and focused on the results only.

On paper, we have a cartoon portraying Superman with tremendous abilities. No person alive can do what Superman can do. But who cares?

  • Superman was created for entertainment. We do not need to believe that Superman is an…




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