Good article, but... Infinity is not a scientific term, with two exceptions;
Space, it is infinite for sure, but then again Space is a phenomenon, which means it is real but it has no attributes of its own. Space does not move, space does not interact, space has no borders.
Virtual realities, in which we can insert infinity. In virtual realities, infinity can be applied, be functional even.
For the rest? It does not exist.
Two scientists are involved with a person driving off into infinity.
One scientist gets into the car, and every month the same report comes back: "Yes, still driving. No, we didn't get there yet."
The other scientist stood next to the car when it drove off, and after ten minutes she reported that she saw the car leave but there was no further data available after the car got out of sight.
How about the apple, cut in halves, and then the pieces cut in half once more, repeated ad infinitum?
Reality took hold of the situation long before reaching infinity.
The apple had become apple sauce after thirty cuttings, and the apple flavor disappeared at the 100th cutting. Apple gone long before reaching infinity.
Reality trumps fantasy (though space is truly infinite). Anything real may have the ability to appear as if internally following a path toward infinity, but matter will show its limitations sooner rather than later. The only option for matter to be involved in infinity is with matter moving through space, seemingly forever (it won't stop, but energy/matter will transform and transform).
Good article though, but Infinity was not a scientific term to begin with.