1 min readJan 27, 2022


Good article, Dave, and I fully agree.

One addition that provides a little bit of coloration to the perspectives you sketch is a report I saw about five years ago or so. Can't tell you where or when.

But the point was that the bottom one-third in society had a greater chance to reach the top-third in society when living in Republican States.

What it told me was that the Republican agenda is not just believed in the Red States but it is also seen in the Red States.

When thinking about it, there is probably not all that much 'aristocracy' in Red States, and the division among people is therefore occurring particularly in Democratic States. In other words, the one-third at the top in Republican States is already not that far removed from the bottom-third in their States.

In the Democratic States, the bottom-third and the top-third are far removed from one another, hampering mobility.

Had to share.




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