Good picking, John.
Money isn't real and yet we lifted it up to a valuable position. We can't eat money, we can't drink money (some are said to swim in it, though), and it is therefore nothing but an artificial reality that we united around.
The overall level is 0. For our universe, space is that 0. Our minds provide us a lot of space to think what we want.
Inside our brains we can have any and all numbers we want, but when we think about the overall level and place a 1 there (God, Science, Language, Numbers, Politics, Love, Currencies), then we will find that it will always compete with some other ideas of 1.
No currency rules the world; each has its domain and sometimes can cross borders, but each currency (weak and strong) competes with all the others. All because currencies are ultimately held up in that 0 overall level. There is no 1 currency.
Same for religion. They all present themselves as 1, but they compete with one another, because ultimately they all have nothing but the true 0 level to show for.
When we place money in the center, then we have established a Cyclops because people and nature should be in the center instead. Money can help society, but it must be held in the hands of society and not be a wild horse.
When we place God in the center, then we have established a Cyclops because people and nature should be in the center. God can help people, but the idea must be controlled by people themselves and it should not subject people.
Thank you, John, I think we have the Cyclops above water.
Good conversing with you.