Here is the map of the democratic world. Not what you describe it is.
Sociocracy is perfect for schools and small social organizations, villages even. Sociocracy does not work at the larger levels because it is based on agreement, and the larger the levels the more we have to find ways to deal with disagreement.
The true capitalist enemies are the UK and the USA because they vote winner-take-all and therefore give the winners the most.
They have voting systems based ‘on basketball’. Only the tall people end up playing, and their capitalist system supports ‘tall people’. They are so successful that they actively undermine the decent principles of real democracies, nations that have full representation. They undermine the democracies as shown in the image in dark green; the US and the UK make these democracies less than what they can be.
Winner-take-all is bad news for capitalism. It is a rotten core.