1 min readAug 5, 2023


Hot Big Bang is one model. We can explain the outcome with a better mechanical model. All we need is the compressing power of an inward motion and we have the results we see already, nothing super-hot (but with some temperature rise of course, though nothing dramatic).

In the Big Whisper model, we get the same results without:

* a super-hot starting point

* cosmic inflation

All because the known mechanics are taken seriously, and there is no staring blindly at the results of the Large Hadron Collider data that in reality tells us nothing about the materialization process. It only tells us how matter behaves in a Large Hadron Collider, not helpful therefore with the mechanics of the original materialization process.

ChatGPT helped me write the following article, comparing Big Bang with Big Whisper. I had to modify the text slightly, but ChatGPT performed well:




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