Is that all you got, Kurt, words of ridicule?
Is it so hard to imagine that a result we witness can be based on the collective of masses that are visible? You rather want to base it on a single mass that is invisible with our scientific instruments?
You are aware that as soon as we are talking an invisible force that there are then always two models available (until we have the final nail that clearly declares which model is the correct one), right?
When we have twenty dots on paper, then we can draw images from dot to dot in more than one way.
Only when we have more dots will the ultimate outcome be obvious.
The Eye of the Storm has just one outcome (Model X) because we know that Model Y is incorrect.
The center of gravity in a galaxy has Model X and Model Y available. Model X is the simpler explanation.
It is a surprise therefore that physicists all gather around Model Y, and ignore the possibility of Model X.
Occam's razor likes the Black Eye model better because there is no need to believe (!) that matter can collapse onto itself. The Black Eye model contains only normal situations, all already acknowledged by physicists for other circumstances than this one.
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