I agree, Steve, but we live in a special nation. We have two kings, we have two dictators, and like bad cop good cop, we are in jail because we picked one over the other, pointing to the other side why things aren't going well.
The Great Depression is really the standard of what to expect with the next disaster. The New Deal came out of the Great Depression, it was in place for 40 years working really well, then another 40 years of slowly undermining it, and in light of wealth distribution we are now back in pre-1929 USA.
The result will be the same, particularly when folks don't see the pattern. Our democracy did not give us the New Deal, it was the disaster we created ourselves that established the New Deal. We can do better if we get a better system in place, and it is available today already at the local level (for starters).
Come join the Local Revolutions grassroots movement, Steve. The Founding Fathers are with us.