I am a structural philosopher, Houda, and I want to give you big kudos for your article. You kept it simple enough to understand right away, but you actually presented us a very complex picture on how we should fit and work together (and often do not).
My one example as I read structure:
Liberté, egalité, fraternité is delivered in the wrong order.
I would turn the sequence around and say:
Humanity, equality, freedom.
If we start out with acknowledging that we are human, then we will organize ourselves a society that is built on the human condition, and on human diversity. If we then structure our society based on a legal context of equality, then the big surprise is that freedom is then already the automatic gift. We do not need to organize freedom, because it was organized already by following these two steps for society.
If you are interested in how to establish better equality at the legal level, then I will delve into our democratic system that today is based on inequality (winners and losers in the voting booth) and should be about voter equality in outcome (all represented by our own choices).
Kudos, Houda. Good job.