3 min readApr 14, 2022


I am actually in agreement, but I cast a wider net and see England as the first nation that put its national interest before freedom.

It is a step back in history, but the Navigation Acts established the first nationalist act in an economic setting. British ships only in British ports.

Modern capitalism had been established in the Low Countries (Belgium and Netherlands). By putting these restrictions in place (and by changing to a modern capitalist market), a power-play got added to capitalism by the Brits.

Communists nickname for capitalism is the Anglo-Dutch system.

Long story short, by dominating the world, together with new imperialist France (as the two biggest sustained colonizers), a world order got established in which domination is a solid part of the game.

Germany and Italy would not have come into existence (in the 1870s) had Britain and France not occupied half the world. The Germans needed lebensraum because the English and French prevented them from doing the same they were doing.

I hope we agree that a bad game creates followers when it fully appoints the winners, but that it is still a bad game. In other words, the UK started a race to the bottom, not economically, but geopolitically.

Here is my hero story for the USA, because after two world wars, they finally got the message that all colonizers should go home. They supported self-rule for colonies (but did not do all too much to make that go faster, and Vietnam is the opposite story).

The reaction in Russia has been of adopting capitalism and then undermining capitalism. In most of Russia's history, we can see that there is no or not much political freedom. As such, I see a reactionary society and not one that works with freedom, equality and humanity as its basis. It may say so, but reality tells us otherwise.

In the United States, there is also an overemphasis on words (We The People), and a different reality on the ground.

My claim is that the US is closer to the ground than the Russians. The Russians invaded other nations and put regime change in place of their liking. The USA invaded other nations and put regime change in place with democratic rules.

My last point is about the Anglo voting system. It is not a good voting system in light of freedom because the winner-takes-all. That is that nasty domination we'd like to get rid of. In Anglo nations, the development toward political freedom is slow.

In 1996, New Zealand changed its two-party system, and in one election almost 50% more females got a seat. They incorporated the German voting system, which is the American voting system fixed up.

Districts with district winners, but the entire vote for the State is also looked at, and when 10% of the voters voted for Orange, and no district went for Orange, then 10% more seats are added in total, so the voters are represented in the portion they voted. Proportional Voting therefore.

This is why district voting is bad unless fixed up.

0.6 x 0.6 = 0.36

When people are divided in districts, then the majority gets the pick, say 60%.

Next, the winners make a decision, say with 60%.

That means a minority of the voters support that decision, 36%.

And that means that domination delivers a political elite exactly what it wants.

So, I am indeed putting the USA on the list with fascist aspects. but I also put the UK there, while Australia is not a fully free nation, politically speaking.

Last point, Germany was the largest nation to ever use Proportional Voting, and that did not go well between both World Wars. One third of the voters voted communist, one third voted for Hitler, and the parties in the middle were divided themselves while there was an economic crisis going on of immense proportions.

The parties in the center looked at Italy's Mussolini and Russia's Stalin, and gave Hitler the throne.

The Germans learned, and they have the best voting system for large nations in the world now. It provides stability and political freedom. The UK? They have a third party in a coalition once every 100 years. The US, they have red and blue only. In Russia? Just one color, so they are at the bottom of the stack.




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