I am not a believer. I am a structural philosopher, which means I try to recognize everything based on their structures.
People can have their brain farts, and this will happen particularly when working inside a system while thinking that the system captured the whole reality of existence.
The simple example I use is money. People can get so enthralled with money that they end up thinking that the financial reality is identical to the overall reality.
The example is helpful since it is simple and all aspects can be known. One should be able to follow the idea, recognize how it is possible for people to mistake something as being the essence of existence. At the same time one can also be aware that money is not the same as reality.
Scientists are a group of people different in a way from other people. They make science very important and forget there are holes in the scientific realm that can never be known.
For instance, one can never know the beginning of time, space or immaterial energy because we do not have any data about their beginning.
Then, through working with the beginning of matter (which came about some 13.8 billion years ago), physicists can erroneously add the beginnings of time, space, and energy into that situation. And that is a brain fart. Doing something for which there is no scientific support and at the same time declaring that the scientific support is there.
Physicists play being magicians and the sad part is that they do not see themselves as magicians.
Thank you for your question.