I call them Yellow. Not because they are unwilling to do harm, but because our political system ordinarily reviews them as Yellow. For about a decade, we have seen how this Yellow infiltrated the Red Party, and definitively since the elections in 2016 how this turned the Red Party Orange.
On the left side, we also see Yellow trying to invade the Blue Party, turning it Green on more than one occasion.
Our system is from the 18th century. It is not serving us well anymore.
You won't hear me say we need a lot of parties, but suppressing political Yellow means it will come out any which way it can and that is not just backward but dangerous as well. Better to have a political system in which all get to sit at the table, so no deep feelings brew that can upset the nation. We should get the USA 2.0 upgrade today, so our politicians can represent us better.
Did you know that in our system the winner is always the Losing Party?
It sounds strange, but it is actually true.
Thank you for your personal article; quite gripping. But our society has so many fractured Yellow political needs that are ignored (there really is a tremendous laundry list of what Red and Blue are not addressing, with many in society paying a smaller or bigger price), we really need something better than this.
Those that stormed Capitol Hill did not see their leader there with them, so they ransacked the place instead of capturing it (which was a fantasy to begin with already).
Like the Hunger Games, their 'leader' was standing outside in a tent, enjoying himself with his elite, not willing to risk his own life to put himself on the throne. But the Hunger Games we are until we get the much-needed upgrade that includes Yellow (and Orange and Green) as part of the options for voters to express themselves in empowered manners.