I did not ask you to join Local Revolutions, Dave. I mentioned embracing others like you, I was not asking for an embrace of Thomas Jefferson's voting system.
But... there have been victories that are noteworthy.
New Zealand broke its winner-take-all system in 1996 when it incorporated what is basically the German voting system that is a mixture of voting in districts and fixing the results in a proportional manner. Because of it, New Zealand is now one of the high-ranking nation on the list of democratic nations.
Case in point are female representatives. It jumped with almost 50% the first time the new election format was used, and today the number of males and females are virtually the same. A fantastic outcome, and one can indeed see better representation of females with Thomas Jefferson's voting system everywhere it is used.
I need to correct you further since I do not promote Thomas Jefferson's voting system for the Federal level. Rather, it should be used where the Framers are already demanding it (which is: everywhere but the Federal level). We'd still end up with four or five parties at the Federal level.
The States were given their own US Constitutional powers and therefore they have legislative loopholes, so to speak, to get away from the Ninth Amendment.
Cities and counties have no legal choice. The voting systems now employed are all illegal, says the US Constitution. The States set them up this illegal way, but the cities are the ones doing it.
Our grassroots organization has sent many Constitutional Invocations to cities and counties and cc:d State officials. The conversations are many.
We also communicated with many political science professors throughout the nation and none articulated a legal roadblock, which is good news, too.
But I do hope you will join others that have similar ideas like you. That would be great. As mentioned, I have seen something similar with sociocracy and as you yourself point out a second tier panel to monitor a local MP in the UK, that is all just fine.
Good luck taking your break, Dave. You deserve it.