I do play with that idea sometimes, John. I reject a mirroring as actual border, but it is fun to fantasize about light strewn about in space ends up blinding us beyond a deeper view. Still, that is not what is happening.
Infinity is a concept. There is no there there, so there is nothing to play with. Anyone talking about infinity as something real is not paying atention.
The clock never goes to zero. the clock is always the Now. Wherever we look in the universe, it is always the Now. It is light that takes time to travel, but space does not travel. So if we look at the fartest corners of the universe: The Now only, nothing else.
Dimensions are conceptual measurements of space; they are not actual entities. They are like measure tapes that measure how tall you are; the measure tape is not part of you.
Yes, real change warrants a real funeral of bad ideas. We agree.