I fully agree with your words, JB.
What I am missing in your words are the changes available to form better democracies.
Thomas Jefferson devised a voting system with proportional outcomes, and I have done some research in that area.
Nations with proportional voting hand more money to their bottom segments in society than nations without proportional voting, even more than 50% more money.
The political game is more complex than just these two distinctions, and a bit too much to go into right now. Yet making democracies more honest democracies was a revolution all by itself as well.
There cannot be a TOE, simply because the word Everything is not a scientific term. It is an abstraction that itself does not exist other than inside the human mind.
Gödel already proved that there cannot be a TOE.
I also have mathematical evidence with finding zero among the prime numbers that the most important aspect in the universe is separation.
The highest level (at which a TOE must be pronounced) is empty.
The material parts that we all see are themselves not found at that highest level.
I have used the following analogy to show that:
When a apartment complex has ten layers with apartments, then there are eleven floors. To understand the 11th floor? It's the roof.
We can stand on the roof, but we cannot pronounce an apartment at that level since there is none.
So, it is really the human mind that is fooling itself. It has trained itself to think in 'apartments' while moving up floor after floor. Then, at the 11th floor, it is still looking for an apartment....