I had written an article, saved it for later reviewing and editing, and then I saw your story.
Here is my story:
Living in a Simulation --
We may all be living it. --
Photo by Fred Moon on Unsplash
We cannot be living in a simulation. The universe cannot be when the essence is not with us, but with the unseen. This is not a paradox; it simply cannot be. And yet we walk through life and consider parts of life to be nothing but simulations.
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An intriguing question is whether we are truly alive, the essence, or if we are a simulation, ourselves the resulting outcomes of a larger and unknown reality.
It can't be.
To have a self-based outcome, whether of a temporary or more lasting nature, the essence has to be on this side of the equation. An establishment must contain the essence itself, otherwise the resulting outcome is not an establishment, but a projection. No projection can be the essence, it can only show the essence.
Yet we partake in simulations all the time. Pretending the homeless person on the street is not really there, is a simulation. The mind has dealt with the problem before, and after giving much or little, it has become obvious that we cannot give all to the homeless. We therefore pick and choose what we make real in our surroundings; we depend on our ability to establish a simulation of reality, one in which we can remain hopeful, believing the world is better or at least will be better one day.
In Russia, the voters did not really put Putin in top position. They all know that the voting system is rigged and the choices are predetermined. Yet it is a comfortable simulation to think we have choices, and in fact the resulting outcome of Putin put in that top spot is based on the Russian people having voted him in again and again.
The simulation did not undermine reality because reality cannot be denied.
The resulting outcome, however, is experienced better as if it were a simulation. Real, but not real. Simulated, but real. Putin is the leader because we chose him.
China lives in a similarly simulated reality. The Chinese government works for the people, so the people are in control. They are not perfect, but the Chinese government has delivered enormous progress, exactly what we wanted. The simulation is real.
We picked our own representatives and what they provide us is the very best they can provide. In the end it is all politics, and we have to deal with it just like that because that is reality.
The war in Afghanistan is far away and did not affect us. We see it on television and on our mobile screens.
The house burnt down and killed a man, but the fire department had it under control real quickly; another person came out alive.
The credit card bill is more than I can pay off in the next five years, but I have to eat; I am alive. Money is not real.
We live in many simulated realities. They don't touch us. Not really.
I haven't decided if it is good enough for pressing the publish button. I'll have to edit it a bit more. But wanted to share with you.
Good job, indi.ca. : - )