3 min readJul 29, 2024


Good, we are getting somewhere. But it looks like you cannot see the ultimate conclusion (yet).

Yes, there is no need to enter Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorems themselves as you seems eager for me to do. That is not the point I am making. Let me quickly state that Science itself is an incompleteness, so our feet cannot stand on science to declare the whole in a completed scientific manner.

Once we see Gödel’s evidence, then we can use that to see the big picture, which is, like the Big Bang, a one-time event. We do not need to apply Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem to the whole; our brains need to understand what the whole is, that’s all. By seeing Gödel’s Completeness Theorem and Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorems, we know that the completenesses are NOT found at the overall level. We see that the results are all specific, science itself included.

It is like seeing an omelet and then making the 100% correct conclusion that the egg broke. We do NOT need to see the broken egg shells; we do NOT need to investigate the contents of the omelet. We have all evidence in front of us already, a one-time event, the egg got broken. The omelet is not the egg, yet the omelet is loud and clear in that the egg did get broken. I do not need to discuss the omelet any further than this. It is self-evident that the egg broke.

Gödel showed us the omelet(s) of reality. The omelets can have their own completenesses at their own levels, but not at the level of the egg, if you get the drift. His work shows that the universe is a result, and not the original. The original state broke at a fundamental level.

So, singularities are out, not possible. When we have an incompleteness as the highest level, then a singularity cannot exist because the outcome must be an incompleteness. Gödel showed that with his evidence.

Additionally, I have mathematical evidence that all (comprehensive) systems will contain a position of absence (i.e. contain a value of zero per that system), so I stand additionally in another perspective than Gödel. Yet I am seeing the same outcome, and can apply that outcome to any and all systems.

If we desire to see the universe as a system, then it will contain a position of absence (and obviously it does). Yet better is to state that the universe is not really a system. It’s a name tag for the whole there is. Again, the larger outcome shows us a one-time event outcome. It shows that separation is the name of the game, and not making all be one in some kind of singularity.

Singularities are systematic outcomes that do not follow my evidence, and they do not follow Gödel’s evidence. The absence of a completion (or needing to have that required zero value fully present), means that singularities are brain farts. They are creations available only in virtual realities (on paper, in models, etc.). They are human fabrications because in reality there is no option to remove the fundamental zero from the big picture. At the overall level, we find all these specific incompletenesses only.

Here is my evidence, if interested:




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