I have mathematical evidence that nothing actually is fundamental. Let me re-write: a fundamental aspect in our universe centers around nothing.
It is evidence about the mathematical building blocks and it shows that zero is as fundamental as the other natural numbers.
However, it does not mean nothingness is the controlling aspect of the universe nor that we live in a virtual reality. That’s like saying there is a vase while in reality there are two faces (plus the option to see a vase in the two faces).
The evidence means that we live in Universe 2.0, the location in which matter had started to exist, while in Universe 1.0 energy existed that was to encounter an experience with nothing that lead to the creation of matter.
Nothing played therefore a central role in how matter was able to come about (spoiler alert: it enabled self-based energized entities to come into existence), but matter is not based on nothing; it is still based on specifically warped energy.
Encountering nothing was not experienced before in Universe 1.0 and when it happened it changed prior energy into matter (among it, we ourselves). The article contains a link to the Big Whisper, the rather similar alternate to the Big Bang theory that explains all one step further than the Big Bang.