3 min readAug 20, 2021


I like how you are using mysticism to take a new look at science. But we don't need to be wizards; we just need to tell the things the way they are.

Quantum mechanics is like rolling a die once, and we cannot know its outcome in advance. But roll the die a million times and we know pretty darn sure that one-sixth of the time we are going to get a 3, and with that we can see and understand GR.

QM (1), GR (0).

QM (0), GR (1).

The same paradox exists among matter.

Convergence (1), divergence (0).

Convergence (0), divergence (1).

Locally, with planet or star, we see matter converging into a single collective mass. This occurs ubiquitously throughout the universe.

But at the universal level itself, we only find divergent behavior.

In-between, we find a balancing act in which neither wins. The celestial bodies of solar system or galaxy converge nor diverge (or: converge and diverge).

We can find the same truths with the natural forces. Like mixing red, blue and yellow paint delivering us gray as the fourth color, we see the mixture of weak nuclear force, strong nuclear force, and electromagnetic force delivering us the gravitational force as the synergistic outcome.

There are two realities occurring at the same time with matter.

  • On the one hand we have original energy that got damaged at the end stage of the prior universe, creating the quarks as building blocks for neutrons and protons.
  • On the other hand, we have the electrons pulled in from the remainder of the original energy to neutralize the positive charge of the proton.

Matter is from one and the same source but arriving via two pathways.

Yes, we are going to get a new look, our world, because the old look was not good enough, is not correct enough. Scientists need to learn that their scientific reach is enormous but also limited and they will have to prick their almost-religious balloon. It’s not that there aren’t scientific truths, but the scientists themselves need to learn better what the ultimate realm of science is. And then look beyond (at least a little bit).

Mankind united in all these artificial realities. We did so already with words, our language, it’s completely artificial. And yet we benefited so much because of it that we ended up worshiping unification above the truth. We worship the artificial unity because it propelled us forward better than the truth. But now we need to see that if we continue to unite around false and artificial ideas that we will then destroy the world as we know it.

We must liberate ourselves from this unifying demand, mend our broken connection with nature, and find the natural balance once again that can propel us forward into the future instead of having to prevent, combat and correct the ultimately self-made disaster after disaster.

Thank you, Stephen, for writing really well, showing your caring heart and your smart brain. Let's tell the truth (and let’s keep it simple).




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