2 min readAug 26, 2022


I love it. The more statutes, the more we will realize we idolize things and thoughts beyond reason, and the better we can look at ourselves. The more we look at ourselves, the better we can become. The less we look at ourselves (and keep our silly idolations intact), the greater the chance we will create a hierarchy in which the group oppresses the individual.

I'd like to show how that is the case in how we vote as well. The collective decides, while the individual can jump as much as he or she wants, but the minority (of up to 49.99 percent of the voters) can get sent home empty-handed. No statues (statutes) for the minority.

Particularly because we vote winner-take-all at all three levels of government, we ended up with a two-party system. The States are the reason we have a two-party system -- don't blame the Founding Fathers.

To bring this back to your article, if we can worship only the Red Party and the Blue Party, then we are never going to see the full-colored picture. Then the group can oppress the individual more than what the Founding Fathers promised us.

We need to erect a Yellow Party, and we can do that today at city levels and State levels, no change of the US Constitution required, just a better adherence to what the Founding Fathers actually delivered us (and what the State powers that be try to keep away from us).

Sure, a Green Party, and a Purple Party can get worshiped then, too. I think we already have an Orange Party though it is the faded Red Party.




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