I once got a reply from a friend, saying “We do not like socialists in the United States.” My response was that with our current voting system in place, we can actually not know how many people would vote for a socialist (democratic) party. She had to agree to that.
We are trapped inside a political system that the Founding Fathers actually did not set up.
Sovereignty resides with the people, yet the Founding Fathers do not go into too many specifics declaring it. So, that is a very interesting overall set up to begin with.
Next, they describe what Federal and State governments can and cannot do, and particularly the Ninth Amendment makes it clear that governments have to stay away from denying or disparaging the rights retained by the People.
When we then look from this perspective -- the People are the sovereigns unless... -- then we can see that the Federal elections were purposefully restricted. The Founding Fathers did not want twenty different political pulls on that very large nation, simply because those pulls would have pulled the nation apart.
Yet, for the other governmental levels, they are mute about what voting system to use. Except for that Ninth Amendment (plus Tenth and Fourteenth Amendments) that very clearly says that the sovereigns are the People and not the government. The government must be in the service of the People and treat the People the best they can (using the better systems and not inferior systems).
Let me unpack this a bit further.
What the Founding Fathers did for the Federal level was concentrating powers in the hands of a few (though they never said anything about just two parties).
The mean part (I find it devilish) is that the powers ended up concentrating power not just once more, but twice more beyond what the Founding Fathers did. They concentrated powers at the State level, too, by implementing restrictions on voting (using winner-take-all incorporates a game of winners and losers, so many voters would and did go home empty-handed).
Plus, the States made it verboten to use Thomas Jefferson's fantastically clean voting system in local elections. This is actually unconstitutional, and we are using this position to get our Republic back.
So, where the Founding Fathers put one level of voting restrictions in place, to create stability at the Federal level, the powers that be put two additional levels of voting restrictions in place, State and local levels. Powers were concentrated not x 1, but x 3.
Come join our grassroots organization, Local Revolutions, because we can get our political freedom back. We can become the We The People nation we were supposed to be. The Founding Fathers are with us. We are opening up the local levels for the cleanest voting system there is. Then, we are sure the better elections for the States will follow, opening up that backward two-party system to a third and fourth party.
No need to change the US Constitution, no need to change the way we elect our Federal officials. Just follow the US Constitution to the letter and we will end up with a four- or five-party system at the Federal level.
Very likely, a Social-Democratic Party will then be one of them.
Come join. Ask questions. We are starting at the local level where success is legally guaranteed because it is already in the US Constitution.
You can be the change we need.