I think you failed Spinoza. You are making everything one, and that is the dumb conclusion; you missed Spinoza's brilliant observation.
The conclusion Spinoza reached is that God is real, but that this fact can only be expressed (experienced) at the abstract level.
As such, we see (translated in modern words) that
God = Energy.
Instead, you are saying that he said that God is All One and you are leaving it hanging.
In that structure, we do not have a fact. So, that structure is NOT what Spinoza pointed out.
Let's quickly investigate:
With the Universe filled with Energy, there is still something extra, and it isn't God: It is Space.
In modern thinking and using modern words, we can see that Space is always larger than God. God cannot be infinite (and a fact), whereas Space definitely can factually be infinite.
A well written article, Elan, but you misunderstood Spinoza. You read in his words what you wanted to read in his words.
You did not comprehend his words as intended. Try again.