3 min readJun 22, 2022


I wonder what society you live in, D.K. Blaire. It reads like you live in winner-take-all or some other kind of restricted society or dictatorship.

Emancipation, the word pointing to what is missing in your identity, is hard to come by in a dictatorship. But interestingly enough, emancipation is also very hard to obtain in a two-party nation. A large group of people end up never empowered, never emancipated, when a system of restrictions in found in place.

If the basic color scheme for a color copier is red, blue, yellow and black ink to make any kind of color on paper possible, then you can see perhaps exactly what may be missing in your society.

In the US, we have Red and Blue only. To refine the point, the Red Party has become an Orangey Party, not based on Orange, but also no longer based on Red. The Blue Party is stronger and was able to withstand an infiltration by Green. Still, many people are pushed away from the two-colored powers.

In the UK, it may be pinkish red and baby-diaper green that are the two dominant colors, but the point being of course that those that are not of these colors will never see their own colors shine in top of the nation.

The other coloreds are outcasts. You are other colored.

In the happiest nations in the world, they have a range of colors in their political arenas. It's not that pink will dominate all of a sudden, but -indeed- there are some that are pink, sitting in the seats, opening up their mouths when they think it is important to open up their pink mouths.

And the happy nations show something else important as well. When it is about money and wealth distribution, then the lowest of the lowest are not pushed down as deep in these happiest nations as the lowest of the lowest are in winner-take-all nations. Everyone is happier indeed in the happier nations. It’s more colorful.

Perhaps you will accept that you must rebel against the imprisonment society built around people like you. You should be free to be yourself. The third and fourth color should be natural colors, not imprisoned colors.

Don't go for twenty parties.

Don't go for pure, simply because you will not get it; the struggle too hard.

Go for a system that has just red, blue, yellow and black and you should be fine. Don’t wish for the moon because this is planet Earth.

Look for all the other people that are other colored, but don't create a party of rainbow people. Rather, create a party in which all recognize that the current system is somehow fascist in nature, benefiting especially the elite of just two colors.

Embrace the third party that wants to change the system, but be adamant that as soon as they become part of a government that this change is the only thing to negotiate on first. Don't let 2010 happen again. Once the change has taken place — you won. Then, shine in your own colors. Until then, accept to be the strongest gray that ever existed.

Many third parties are dumb. They need true political education first. History shows that third parties can screw it up royally.

'How to Succeed as a Third Party'




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