2 min readOct 12, 2022


I work at a place where some white folks talk about racism, and their being the victim of it. The folks inside the organization are of all kinds of backgrounds (I love it) and some people believe that factions are pulling their own strings all the time, giving folks of their own race the benefits (I don't buy into it, while I also do not deny it can happen).

For me, the Americas are the most racists continents on this planet. It is not that other continents do not have any racists on them, but the racist struggle has gone deeper here (overall) than anywhere else. Yes, genocide, ethnic cleaning nothwithstanding on the rest of the planet, the Americas is the most racist spot on Earth.

And that makes it an interesting place to live. There are so many races that one of them may be in the majority, but none is really the norm. That makes us move closer to who we really are as a species: we are diverse.

Africans are actually the most diverse of us all; the genetic background (and the birthplace of us all) is far more diverse than any other group in the world. Fascinating.

I love that you tackle the meaning of words because it is good to see where we started out, where we are now, and how words are tools that can unite and divide us.

Of course, the political system has something to do with us being pulled apart. We have Red and Blue only; a tug-of-war and not a round table.

Good job, Monica +++++++++




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