2 min readOct 31, 2022


If we believe that 2D is the real world, then you are right, Dylan. But most of us live in a 3D world and as we already know from a color printer, the basics are red, blue, yellow and black ink to print the full color pictures.

Just Red and Blue don't make it.

See the next image:

No one seeing the image to the left would have guessed that green is the most abundant color.

Our society may have all colors, we can buy what we want in the stores (just bring money), but our political system does not. We do not have political freedom in the USA, and the Democrats are not giving it to us either.

Red and blue spin particularly where they are trying to cover up green, yellow and orange.

When there are 9 seats on a city council, for instance, then 90% of the voters are guaranteed their pick. The US Constitution says we should have the best system for local and State elections. However, we have just winner-take-all for all elections.

In our winner-take-all system, that minimum guarantee is just that 50% plus one vote.

We should have political freedom where the US Constitution guarantees us that (and where it does not prevent us from having that as indeed they do for the Federal level).

Green: Voter empowerment. White: Lack of voter empowerment.

Once we have free elections for our local and State elections, then we will automatically diversify ourselves and end up voting in three, four, or five parties at the Federal level -- promise.

The Democrats would then stop their version of spinning and just be Democrats. They should already help us become free and they are not.




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