If you turn the United States into the Untied States, you'll find you are importing the problems of these other states into your own state, simply because you did not change the voting system.
What may be a Blue state right now will end up becoming a Green versus Purple state (if you get my drift); the voting system exploits extremism, and it may take 40 years, but your State will then also implode into more fragments. Basically, that is then the end of all the good parts that come with living in the United States.
Investors will run away, rules and regulations will be better but there will be less money to pay for it all. The US military will end up becoming like the Russian army. You get the point. Once you give up on the strongest economy in the world, you give away good chunks of our economic wealth. It will never come back.
Instead, we need a rework of our voting system and we need to be very smart about it. We can save the union, but we have to improve the union. A little dumb is okay in politics, but our political circus is a bit too dumb right now.
Grassroots organization Local Revolutions is taking baby step exactly where this is possible and exactly where it is very smart to do so. The law is on our side and we don't need to change the US Constitution to make this demand.
The Bill of Rights is read in such manners that governments must use the better system for the services they provide the People, unless they are given exception in the US Constitution.
The Federal and State governments are indeed given exceptions, but cities and counties are not given any US Constitutional exceptions. That means that the rights of the people cannot be denied or disparaged at the local level and the better voting system MUST be put in place.
Once the wool comes off our eyes about the almost fascist voting system we have today (fascist because it supports a political elite and not the population as a whole), then we will see the truth with voting proportionally (all voters are represented in the end results, not just the winners like we have today). Then, we will change the voting system at our State level as well (because that's much easier to do than changing the US Constitution). Once the wool comes off, we are home free.
And, surprise, surprise, without changing the Federal elections, we will start sending folks to Washington D.C. from four or five different parties. That will improve the fight; spin will get punished; sponsoring candidates in elections will get reformed; more people will start to recognize themselves in what are now glass-tower representatives.
The two-party mold must be broken. The Founding Fathers never intended a two-party system to come out of the US Constitution, and it shows with their very clear directions for the local level of government.
Come join Local Revolutions if you want to keep the benefits of being part of the United States and you want to take baby steps toward making our nation a better democracy. It is worth the effort and... it is the law.