In Western Europe, most nations have a better system in place. Not the UK, they have the divide-and-conquer system.
Yes, you can hear the racists better in Europe because the voting system allows them time in front of the microphone. But better have it out and upfront, so one can talk about it, than suppressed and coming out in weird ways (like Brexit that was largely driven by xenophobia).
Our US system is We The People in slogan, and we do have good people in our seats trying to put We The People legislation in place. But when push comes to shove, divide-and-conquer wins the day.
I studied political systems and their outcomes in 2006 and made the following graphic display.
As you can see, the bottom ten percent in the US gets less than two percent of the entire cake. The slice for the bottom ten percent is often double that in nations with proportional voting (Netherlands, Finland, Spain) or the mixed system (Germany, Japan).
A suppressing system suppresses the suppressed even more. It is time to remove the elite version of democracy.