It appears you cannot think about one and the same reality we live in in two different ways, Rex.
I am saying "A and B," and you are saying "A therefore not B."
I am going to use your words and show you what I am saying with A:
I am saying:
"All kinds of things are unobservable save by their effects. There is lots of (indirect) evidence for black holes, including lots gathered after they were predicted."
The exact same words you are saying with A.
But you reject B because you embrace A as the one and only option.
I am saying A and B.
First you must show me you understand that A and B can both be correct.
If you don't acknowledge that, then we are not communicating properly.
Show me how a Black Eye cannot be and we will talk.
Make sure that you are not using reasons why A can be correct to undermine B, because that does not interest me at all. Millions of people are already saying the same thing about A and let's not bore each other with A.
Discuss B with me, and we can be friends. So far, you have not said anything about B. You are embracing A like a football fan his club.
Be a scientist by discussing B, based on B.